Our Companies


Presserv delivers the right people to the right place at the right time. And they do the right things. We are here to meet your asset management needs. Of all the assets you manage, your reputation is most important.

Our Business is People
Our people know asset management and corrosion protection. With experience in all major crafts and in all aspects of industry, our people bring depth and breadth to corrosion control solutions.

Environmentally Responsible
Dedicated to using non-hazardous, bio-based chemicals and other environmentally friendly products/solutions we minimize environmental impact while maximizing asset lifespan. Good for the business and good for the globe.

Preserved to Perfection
Stop wondering what happens to your assets in storage and start a comprehensive preservation program.

Turn Rust into Trust
Get information you can trust about corrosion solutions and preservation management programs. With usage of Presserv solutions we make things last.

Our Services

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