A major city council was creating a new pedestrian crossing over a busy dual carriageway. The crossing would be located above a critical cross country multi–fuel pipeline. As part of the pedestrian crossing construction process a thick concrete slab would be cast above the pipeline making future access to this section of pipeline almost impossible. The pipeline operator needed a long-term, non-maintenance solution for the corrosion protection of their pipeline.
The pipeline operator needed a long-term, non-maintenance solution for the corrosion protection of their pipeline. The solution needed to be quick and easy to install and had to be installed next to a fully operational dual carriageway.
The pipe surface was prepared following the client’s specification. Prior to installation the pipeline surface was degreased using Isopropanol and a Stopaq surface cleanliness adhesion test was carried out. The Stopaq installation did not begin until the test showed a cohesive failure and 95% of the Stopaq material remained on the surface. When the test was completed Stopaq® Wrappingband CZ was then applied to the degreased pipe surface along the full length of the pipe using the straight wrap technique. Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC was then applied over the top as outer mechanical protection using the spiral wrap technique.
Due to the continuous traffic passing within a couple of metres of the excavation, a film of dust very quickly built up on the surface of the pipeline. For many coating systems this would have created a problem delaying the project, but when using Stopaq® the surface was easily wiped clean with an isopropanol wipe which allowed the application to continue without delay.
Stopaq® has a service life expectancy of greater than 30 years providing the client with long term protection and security for their asset.