May 6, 2022 at 12:00 AM
This year has been a big year for both Presserv and STOPAQ . That is why we are proud to announce that PRESSERV has certified and trained more than 450 STOPAQ applicators this year. These applicators and field practitioners are now able to ensure that assets stay protected with STOPAQ for at least the next 30 years.
We are glad to have had a broad variety of contractor company employees trained in 2022 too, both in-house and at different project sites. Special thanks to the following companies for attending:
Aker Solutions, Beerenberg, KAEFER Energy AS, Bilfinger Nordics, Rosenberg Worley, NSG Maritime, Linjebygg AS, Leirvik AS, RaKon AS, Skanits AS, Vertikal Service AS
Utilizing STOPAQ corrosion protection systems from Seal For Life Industries has time and time again shown to be a valuable tool for the surface protection business, and will last for years to come. STOPAQ systems protect against the ingress of water, oxygen and bacteria, and are the most environmentally friendly corrosion prevention systems in the world.