December 12, 2022 at 12:00 AM
Let’s take a moment to acknowledge what a stellar year 2022 has been at Presserv! We’ve focused on working together across the organization after the pandemic, giving our customers the best service possible and as always, bringing forward the best corrosion protection solutions.
Here is a look back at 2022 with our Year in Pictures.
* We entered into a joint venture agreement with Sepakat Energy Services, based in Brunei. The name of this new joint venture business is Presserv SES. Photo courtesy of Daniel Lim/Borneo Bulletin.
* Across the organization, we welcomed several new employees this year, strengthening our teams in Australia, the US and Norway.
*Our Norwegian business entered into a 7-year agreement with Equinor, where Presserv Norway will deliver products and services to all Equinor`s global facilities and projects. This global framework agreement will provide major support in meeting environmental sustainability objectives and long-term cost savings in maintenance, modifications, and new constructions.
* Our 2021 Sustainability Report delivered by ESG & Sustainability consulting firm MJ Hudson was published in May. It details how preservation can contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of your project or business.
* Presserv UK attended major international conferences in Glasgow and Aberdeen as well as the Netherlands and England. They also sponsored forums with ICorr Aberdeen, AMPP: Association for Materials Protection and Performance (formally NACE International) and STOPAQ B.V.
* Our US and Australian teams at Cortec Global Services, published articles targeted at helping companies get the very most out of their operational budgets in 2022. Read more by clicking on one of the following links: Mitigating Corrosion on Electronics in a Harsh Wastewater Environment, written by: Shane Sipma, published by Rural Water magazine, the official publication of the National Rural Water Association in the U.S.; Solving the Supply Chain: Future Proof Your Inventory; Checking for Mechanical Integrity: Three Questions Every Preservation Manager Must Ask.
* Our Brazilian team participated in multiple projects connected to Equinor’s major program of maintenance, upgrades and repairs on the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel and the fixed platforms (WHP-A, WHP-B and WHP-C) [not pictured].
* Our Norwegian team certified and trained more than 450 applicators in Stopaq application in 2022. We are delighted to have had a broad variety of contractor company employees trained, both in-house and at different project sites. Special thanks to the following companies for attending: Aker Solutions, Beerenberg, KAEFER Energy AS, Bilfinger Nordics, Rosenberg Worley, NSG Maritime, Linjebygg AS, Leirvik AS, RaKon AS, Skanits AS, Vertikal Service AS.
* The wrapping functionality for STOPAQ with Remotion’s Icarus pipe robot was released. Presserv is proud to have been a part of the development of this cutting-edge, breakthrough product in the coatings industry. Learn more about the Stopaq wrapping functionality for Remotion Icarus pipe robot on their Vimeo channel.
* Presserv UK was invited by Harbour Energy to host a two-topic educational training session to school leavers interested in a career in the energy industry. Afterwards, a practical session was held relating to STOPAQ coatings and pipework in the Presserv UK training facility.
* In case you missed it, we published to our company’s LinkedIn blog for the first time in 2022. We also posted some longer, more in depth articles on our blog too. Here are a few highlights: Wind Turbine Generator Preservation, written by Stuart Rennie; How to Lower the Cost of Corrosion written by Stuart Rennie; Eliminating Corrosion In Wind Turbine Towers and Nacelles, written by Stuart Rennie; How to Eliminate Rebar Rust in Concrete Construction; Alternatives to Abrasive Blasting