The Sound Dampening Effects of STOPAQ


According to the 2021 World Health Organization World Report on Hearing, exposure to loud sounds puts adults at risk not only of hearing loss, but other noise-induced health problems, such as insomnia and cardiovascular illnesses.

Further, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work estimates that 25–33% of the workforce in Europe is exposed to high-level noise at least a quarter of their working time.

Read the full World Health Organization World Report on Hearing online here [World Report on Hearing]

Presserv can now present a documented, value-added benefit by choosing STOPAQ® as a corrosion prevention system – sound dampening. External testing at the Peutz Group Laboratory for Acoustics has proven that the STOPAQ® system has inbound properties for sound dampening.

After testing several different configurations, STOPAQ® standard corrosion protection showed almost a negative 10 decibel reduction at 8000Hz. Although this may not seem significant, every 3 dB represents a 50% reduction in sound.

If you’d like to learn more about the additional sound dampening effects of STOPAQ® or to learn more about our full report from the Peutz Laboratory for Acoustics, contact Thomas Merenyi, Technical Manager for our Norwegian business at

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