The World Corrosion Organization has designated April 24, as World Corrosion Awareness Day. World Corrosion Awareness Day is designed to highlight the estimated $2.2 trillion annual cost of corrosion worldwide (3 to 4 % of GDP of industrialized countries) reflecting in part many decision-makers in industry and government not fully understanding the consequences of corrosion and how critical it is to control it.
To celebrate World Corrosion Awareness Day, we’d like to point you to a few of our favorite downloadable special reports, videos, blog posts and other resources in hopes that it will help broaden your understanding of the current state of the industry.
Here are some of our favorites:
[LinkedIn Group] Women in Corrosion
[Blog Post] How to Eliminate Rebar Rust in Concrete Construction
[Infographic] VpCI® Applications: An Overview
[Downloadable Special Report] Are You Ready to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint by up to 95%?
[Blog Post] This is Why You Should Monitor Relative Humidity Levels with an IoT Data Tracking Solution
[Video] The World’s Only Handheld Power Tools That Can “Sandblast”
[Blog Post] Avoid Corrosion and Mold in Installations and During Transport with These 4 Simple Steps
[Downloadable Special Report] How to Reduce Noise Pollution by Almost 10 decibels at 8000Hz While Preventing Corrosion
[Blog Post] UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Sites Maintenance Backlogs as Reason for Major Concern
[Video] How to Achieve Sustainable, Safe, Environmentally-Responsible and Superior Surface Preparation
[Blog Post] Alternatives to Abrasive Blasting